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In the Universities, Research and Health Institutions the need has become evident for high quality information literacy in order to develop and support high-level research, teaching and other services. The University of Bologna launched an Information Literacy Project in 2003 to improve information skills at all levels. Librarians were involved in a course of “training for trainers” and in the production of Learning Objects/Tutorials for Students and Teachers. This experience was an interesting approach not only to a virtual environment, but also to the basics of pedagogical requirements of a good training course. As a second example of this re-skilling perspective, the experience of a course, delivered in 2008, for hospital librarians as e-tutors on the Moodle platform is also be presented. The critical aspects of this initiative within traditional Italian Universities will be highlighted: the transition to a digital library-oriented profession is made difficult by national and local norms and behaviours. Moreover, technical aspects regarding barriers of access to e-learning content in hospital/university context will be analysed. In this context, it has been a real struggle to develop new professional attitudes based on effective communication skills.
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