On certain optimal diffeomorphisms between closed curves

Cerri, Andrea ; Di Fabio , Barbara (2010) On certain optimal diffeomorphisms between closed curves. [Preprint]
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The concept of natural pseudo-distance has proven to be a powerful tool for measuring the dissimilarity between shape properties of topological spaces, modeled as continuous real-valued functions defined on the spaces themselves. Roughly speaking, the natural pseudo-distance is defined as the infimum of the change of the functions' values, when moving from one space to the other through homeomorphisms, if possible. In this paper, we prove the first available result about the existence of optimal homeomorphisms between closed curves, i.e. inducing a change of the function that equals the natural pseudo-distance. Moreover, we show that, under our assumptions, this optimal homeomorphism is actually a diffeomorphism.

Tipologia del documento
Cerri, Andrea
Di Fabio , Barbara
Informazioni aggiuntive
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 57S05, 57S10; Secondary 54C30, 68U05.
Parole chiave
Natural pseudo-distance, measuring function, Morse function, Size Theory.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
29 Apr 2011 11:20
Ultima modifica
16 Mag 2011 12:17

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