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Documento PDF (Développer le pouvoir d’apprendre : pour une critique de la transmission en éducation et en formation)
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Researchers of the TAO Research Programs and the Centre de Recherche sur le Travail et le Développement (Research Center on Work and Development) at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, illustrate critical reflections on education and training. These collected papers, stemming from different disciplinary frameworks and approaches, share the theoretical work and the epistemological orientation. With particular reference to the teachings of Weber, Vygotskij and Bakhtin, they focus on learning, conceived as social action, on the development of learning activity, and on the development of thought in professional dialogues. Along this line, the idea according to which education and training realize the “transmission” of knowledge, capacity, competence, values, practices, gestures, etc., is questioned and discussed.
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