Economic and cultural factors and illegal copying in the university textbook market

Scorcu, Antonello Eugenio ; Vici, Laura (2012) Economic and cultural factors and illegal copying in the university textbook market. [Preprint]
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The role of economic factors, such as family income, the price of illegal reproductions of books, the enforcement rules and the expected penalties are considered the main determinants of the possible infringements of the copyright law. However, the comparison between individual economic gains and losses offers only a partial explanation, as also cultural individual habits and peer effects exert important influences. Using a unique dataset based on a survey conducted at the University of Bologna, Italy, this paper analyses empirically the relevance of socio-economic as well as cultural determinants in the decision process of using illegal copies of university textbooks. From a policy perspective, the analysis suggests that an effective enforcement of the copyright rules should take into account the cultural behavior and students’ learning practices.

Tipologia del documento
Scorcu, Antonello Eugenio
Vici, Laura
Parole chiave
copyright, education economics, behavioral economics
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
14 Nov 2012 10:10
Ultima modifica
29 Gen 2013 10:10

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