Tang, Yu-Lung ; Wang, Huei
A 24.6-GHz MMIC HBT Triple-Push Oscillator.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2001, 24-28 september 2001, London.
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A triple-push oscillator has been implemented using MMIC approach. This 24.6-GHz MMIC HBT triple-push oscillator was fabricated using InGaP/GaAs HBT MMIC technology. The principle of a trip e-push oscillator is that three identical fundamental oscillators are combined via microstrip-lines and operated in odd-mode oscillation to provide 120 o phase difference among three fundamental oscillators. As a consequence, the third harmonic signals of this MMIC triple-push oscillator chip were in-phase added to provide an output signal of –14.8 dBm at 24.6 GHz with more than 20-dB fundamental and the second harmonic rejection.
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