Straight-to-Series in Broadcast Television: Causes, Issues and Consequences

Brembilla, Paola (2014) Straight-to-Series in Broadcast Television: Causes, Issues and Consequences. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/4317. In: MM2014. Modes of Production and Narrative Forms in the Contemporary TV Series. A cura di: Barra, Luca ; Hadas, Leora ; Noto, Paolo. Bologna: Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dipartimento delle Arti. Sezione Cinema, pp. 1-6. In: Media Mutations. Convegno internazionale di studi sull'audiovisivo A cura di: Pescatore, Guglielmo. ISSN 2239-5490.
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In the last few years, Netflix has set itself as a true player in U.S. television industry, fostering new competitive dynamics that have contributed to redefine television's production and distribution models. This paper aims to discuss one of the effects of this competition: the rethinking of the pilot process in favour of the straight-to-series commitment in broadcast television. The analysis will unfold along three main directions: 1. Causes: we will argue that Netflix, through its high financial commitments, has launched a speculative bubble that has shaken up the traditional structure of competitive forces, pushing competitors to outbid its offers to hit-producers. 2. Issues: we will see whether the straight-to-series model could prove economically viable for broadcast television. 3. Consequences: we will ultimately analyse the consequences on narrative forms of network series, focusing in particular on writing processes and modes of storytelling.

Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Brembilla, Paola
Parole chiave
TV Series, U.S. Television, Straight-to-Series, Broadcast Television
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
27 Lug 2015 13:44
Ultima modifica
28 Ott 2015 15:29

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