Place-based amenities, well-being and territorial competitiveness: a new approach using tourists’ happiness

Bernini, Cristina ; Cerqua, Augusto ; Pellegrini, Guido (2016) Place-based amenities, well-being and territorial competitiveness: a new approach using tourists’ happiness. [Preprint]
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The well-being generated by each place is an unobservable characteristic affecting local competitiveness and territorial growth. In evaluating local well-being, the use of residents’ perceptions may generate biased evaluations. Alternatively, a revealed-preference analysis of tourists’ happiness might be exploited to assess the quality of life at the destination. Then, we develop a hedonic utility function to analyze a huge and original dataset of foreign tourists’ satisfaction, visiting Italy over 2005-2014, on a large number of place-based amenities. Results show a great diversity in the mix of features that affect tourist well-being at each destination, indicating strong heterogeneity in place-based amenities, correlated in space. The presence of spatially correlated common factors of competitiveness asks for coordinated action plans on the part of local and regional authorities.

Tipologia del documento
Bernini, CristinaDepartment of Statistical Sciences - University of Bologna, Italy
Cerqua, AugustoDepartment of Economics and Quantitative Method - University of Westminster, UK
Pellegrini, GuidoDepartment of Social and Economic Sciences - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Parole chiave
: subjective well-being, revealed preferences, tourists, place-based amenities, territorial competitiveness.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
23 Ago 2016 11:40
Ultima modifica
08 Mag 2017 12:59

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