Photochemical investigation of cyanoazobenzene derivatives as components of artificial supramolecular pumps

Casimiro, Lorenzo ; Groppi, Jessica ; Baroncini, Massimo ; La Rosa, Marcello ; Credi, Alberto ; Silvi, Serena (2018) Photochemical investigation of cyanoazobenzene derivatives as components of artificial supramolecular pumps. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences .
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Among the plethora of photochromes reported so far, azobenzene has been proven to be the most suitable photoswitch for molecular systems and materials, due to its highly efficient and clean E–Z photoisomerization. Here we report two ammonium-based molecular axles bearing one or two p-cyanoazobenzene units at the extremities, able to form pseudorotaxanes with a crown ether macrocycle. The photochemistry of these compounds was studied in the isolated forms and in the pseudorotaxanes, showing that the functionalization speeds up the threading process without affecting the photochemical properties of the system. These results suggest that the investigated pseudorotaxanes can form the basis of new prototypes of artificial molecular-level pumps.

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Casimiro, LorenzoUniversità di Bologna0000-0002-8818-5913
Groppi, JessicaUniversità di Bologna0000-0003-0307-9781
Baroncini, MassimoUniversità di Bologna
La Rosa, MarcelloUniversità di Bologna0000-0002-3075-3340
Credi, AlbertoUniversità di Bologna0000-0003-2546-9801
Silvi, SerenaUniversità di Bologna0000-0001-9273-4148
Deposit date
21 May 2018 07:54
Last modified
23 May 2019 09:12
Project name
LEAPS - Light effected autonomous molecular pumps: Towards active transporters and actuating materials
Funding program
EC - H2020

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