Leali, Giorgio
European Union Consumer Law through reading a short novel: partisanship and social justice in “D’autres vies que la mienne” by Emmanuel Carrère.
In: Vol. 11/2018.
A cura di:
Faralli, Carla ;
Mittica, M. Paola.
Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL),
ISBN 9788898010745.
In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature, (11).
A cura di:
Faralli, Carla ;
Mittica, M. Paola.
ISSN 2035-553X.
Full text disponibile come:
The paper adopts the perspective of “law and literature” studies to investigate how the French novel ‘Lives others than my own (D’autres vies que la mienne)’ by Emmanuel Car-rère addresses the evolutions of European Union law on unfair terms in consumer con-tracts. By looking at European Union law from the perspective of individual lives, the essay compares the way in which literature and EU law conceive three categories of individuals involved: consumers, moneylenders and judges. Carrère’s novel is taken as an example to challenge the stereotype according to which literature expresses a sym-pathetic and partisan conception of social reality compared to the one of law.
The paper adopts the perspective of “law and literature” studies to investigate how the French novel ‘Lives others than my own (D’autres vies que la mienne)’ by Emmanuel Car-rère addresses the evolutions of European Union law on unfair terms in consumer con-tracts. By looking at European Union law from the perspective of individual lives, the essay compares the way in which literature and EU law conceive three categories of individuals involved: consumers, moneylenders and judges. Carrère’s novel is taken as an example to challenge the stereotype according to which literature expresses a sym-pathetic and partisan conception of social reality compared to the one of law.
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
European Union law, consumer law, philosophy of law, partisanship, Justice, unfair contract terms, law in literature
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
12 Lug 2018 12:20
Ultima modifica
23 Mag 2023 09:56
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
European Union law, consumer law, philosophy of law, partisanship, Justice, unfair contract terms, law in literature
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
12 Lug 2018 12:20
Ultima modifica
23 Mag 2023 09:56
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