Seri, Paolo ; Montanari, Gian Carlo ; Lahti, Kari ; Paajanen, Mika ; Rytöluoto, Ilkka ; Ritamäki, Mikael ; Blume, Anke ; Dierkes, Wilma ; Mahtabani, Amirhossein ; He, Xiaozhen
Potentiality of nanofilled thermoplastic insulation for DC cables and capacitors.
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This paper presents space charge accumulation characteristics of cable grade and capacitor grade nanostructured polypropylene (PP) materials, providing initial results regarding the electrical properties of nanofilled PP materials belonging to the European project GRIDABLE. This project has the aim to develop DC cable extruded insulation and MV and LV DC capacitor films having enhanced performance with respect to presently used materials. The paper shows that nanostructuration may be beneficial, especially at higher temperature, to improve the capacitor-grade material performance. On the other hand, this work validates the importance of surface functionalization of nanofillers, leading to lower space charge accumulation on DC cable-grade materials.
This paper presents space charge accumulation characteristics of cable grade and capacitor grade nanostructured polypropylene (PP) materials, providing initial results regarding the electrical properties of nanofilled PP materials belonging to the European project GRIDABLE. This project has the aim to develop DC cable extruded insulation and MV and LV DC capacitor films having enhanced performance with respect to presently used materials. The paper shows that nanostructuration may be beneficial, especially at higher temperature, to improve the capacitor-grade material performance. On the other hand, this work validates the importance of surface functionalization of nanofillers, leading to lower space charge accumulation on DC cable-grade materials.
Tipologia del documento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
29 Ago 2018 08:22
Ultima modifica
23 Mag 2019 09:45
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
29 Ago 2018 08:22
Ultima modifica
23 Mag 2019 09:45
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Statistica sui download
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