Bauhr, Monika ; Charron, Nicholas
PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D2.6 "Report on the influence of perceptions of corruptions and governance on citizen's support for cohesion policy".
p. 115.
DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6248.
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Together with researchers in six other European countries1, we launched an EU-wide survey to investigate how citizens’ feel about cohesion policy in which 17,200 citizens in 15 Eureopan countries were interviewed2. In addition, people were asked a set of questions having to do with knowledge and experience with the EU’s regional policy, along with how much and how one identifies with Europe, political attitudes and perceptions of institution and the economy. We found that less than one-half of all citizens (roughly 45%) have even heard of the policy itself, while roughly one-third claim they have ‘benefitted from some EU project in their area’.