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Number of documents:33.

Charron, Nichoals (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D2.1 “Report including the database development and implementation and how it supports all the project WPs”. p. 162. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5722.

López-Bazo, Enrique ; Royuela, Vicente (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D2.2 “Mapping the determinants of EU citizen’s perception and identification”. p. 136. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5765.

Royuela, Vicente (2018) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D2.3 "Report on the construction of the CIEI* indicator. Qualitative report with main findings from the survey and discussion of comparative results from the application of the indicator of perception in the different case study regions". p. 52. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5801.

Aiello, Valentina ; Brasili, Cristina ; Calia, Pinuccia ; Monasterolo, Irene (2018) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D2.4 "Report on the probabilistic model of estimation of citizens’ identification with the EU project and ranking of the case study regions". p. 54. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6113.

López-Bazo, Enrique ; Moreno, Rosina (2019) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D2.5 “Report on the results of the convergence analysis of EU citizens' identification with the EU project”. p. 163. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6114.

Bauhr, Monika ; Charron, Nicholas (2019) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D2.6 "Report on the influence of perceptions of corruptions and governance on citizen's support for cohesion policy". p. 115. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6248.

Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D3.1 "Annex2 - Calabria (IT)". p. 19. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5620.

Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D3.1 "Annex3 - Emilia Romagna (IT)". p. 24. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5621.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Kuric, Ines ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D3.1 "Qualitative report on the impact and effectiveness of communication strategies from the semi structured interviews with cohesion policy practitioners (including third-party partners in the consortium), written by each partner". p. 56. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5619.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Kuric, Ines ; Höllerer, Markus ; Meyer, Renate ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D3.2 "Qualitative report with main findings from the interviews". p. 18. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5725.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Kuric, Ines ; Höllerer, Markus ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D3.3 "Descriptive report on the specific role of new media in EU financed projects' communication strategies". p. 58. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5763.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Kuric, Ines ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2018) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D3.4 "Report on the statistical analysis of communication efforts’ impact and effectiveness on citizens’ awareness and appreciation of EU-financed projects". p. 38. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6111.

Collins, Alan ; Leonard, Alan ; Cox, Adam ; Greco, Salvatore ; Torrisi, Gianpiero (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D4.1 "Report on Urban policies for building smart cities". p. 66. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5518.

Collins, Alan ; Leonard, Alan ; Cox, Adam ; Greco, Salvatore ; Torrisi, Gianpiero (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D4.2 "Report on the synergies between EU Cohesion Policy and rural development policies". p. 52. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5622.

Collins, Alan ; Leonard, Alan ; Cox, Adam ; Greco, Salvatore ; Torrisi, Gianpiero (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D4.3 "Report on Smart Cities and Resilience". p. 33. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5721.

Chmieliński, Paweł ; Wieliczko, Barbara ; Wasilewski, Adam ; Wigier, Marek ; Gospodarowicz, Marcin ; Floriańczyk, Zbigniew (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D4.4 "Report on the policy recommendations on how to integrate cohesion policy with urban and rural policies". p. 96. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5727.

Tudor, Monica Mihaela ; Florian, Violeta ; Chitea, Mihai Alexandru ; Rosu, Elisabeta Stefania ; Rusu, Marioara ; Chitea, Lorena Florentina ; Ionel, Iuliana ; Sima, Elena ; Kruszlikica, Mihaela (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D4.5 "Report on the comparative analysis of experts' and citizens' perceptions and views". p. 61. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5766.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D5.1 "Short contribution (report) to be used in dissemination events about the empirical relevance of a social constructivist and discursive approach to EU identity emergence and integration". p. 37. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5517.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Kuric, Ines ; Meyer, Renate ; Höllerer, Markus ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D5.2 "Database of the topics and sentiments to be made available on-line for further research". p. 56. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5726.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Kuric, Ines ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2017) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D5.3 "Production of a report discussing (including visualizing topographic maps of meanings) the emergent topics in identity relevant discourse at the different levels". p. 137. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5764.

Barberio, Vitaliano ; Calia, Pinuccia ; Kuric, Ines ; Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca (2018) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D5.4 "Report of the comparative analysis of the correlation between topics emergent from regional discourses on the one hand, and the awareness and perceptions of the EU (from Eurobarometer) on the other hand". p. 42. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5770.

Aivazidou, Eirini ; Cunico, Giovanni ; Mollona, Edoardo (2018) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D6.1 "Report on causal qualitative model". p. 99. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6112.

Aivazidou, Eirini ; Cunico, Giovanni ; Mollona, Edoardo (2019) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D6.3 "Report with analysis of model behaviour and scenario analysis". p. 57. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6245.

Baruzzi, Davide ; Sarrini, Milo (2019) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D7.4 "Social Media Engagement Report". p. 36. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6246.

Aiello, Valentina ; Brasili, Cristina ; Calia, Pinuccia Pasqualina ; Marino, Alba (2019) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D7.5 “Policy Brief (1): Guidelines on Cohesion Policies Implementation”. p. 11. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6197.

Mollona, Edoardo ; Aivazidou, Eirini ; Barberio, Vitaliano ; Cunico, Giovanni ; Pareschi, Luca (2019) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D7.6 "Guidelines on Cohesion Policy Communication". p. 14. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6247.

A cura di: Mollona, Edoardo ; Pareschi, Luca ; Reverberi, Pierre ; Brasili, Cristina (2019) PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D8.5 "PERCEIVE (Perception and Evaluation of Regional and Cohesion policies by Europeans and Identification with the Values of Europe): Data Management Plan. Version (M37)". p. 36. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6244.

Aiello, Valentina ; Reverberi, Pierre Maurice ; Brasili, Cristina (2019) PERCEIVE. WP1. Cohesion Policy and identification with the European Union at citizen level in different European countries. Survey at citizen level. European identity and citizens’ support for the EU. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6219. [Dataset]

Aiello, Valentina ; Reverberi, Pierre Maurice ; Brasili, Cristina (2019) PERCEIVE. WP1. Framework for comparative analysis of the perception of Cohesion Policy and identification with the European Union at citizen level in different European countries. Regional Diversity. Italy. Emilia-Romagna_Calabria. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6176. [Dataset]

Aiello, Valentina ; Reverberi, Pierre Maurice ; Brasili, Cristina (2019) PERCEIVE. WP1. Framework for comparative analysis of the perception of Cohesion Policy and identification with the European Union at citizen level in different European countries. Task1.2. Focus group with Cohesion Policy practitioners. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6215. [Dataset]

Calia, Pinuccia (2019) PERCEIVE. WP2. Evaluation of EU citizens' perception of the EU project. Mapping Citizens’ Identification with EU. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6226. [Dataset]

Aivazidou, Eirini ; Cunico, Giovanni ; Mollona, Edoardo (2019) PERCEIVE. WP6. Virtual learning environment. Simulation and modelling data. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6203. [Dataset]

Reverberi, Pierre Maurice ; Brasili, Cristina ; Aiello, Valentina (2017) PERCEIVE: WP1: Framework for comparative analysis of the perception of Cohesion Policy and identification with the European Union at citizen level in different European countries: Task1.1: The framework for the comparative analysis. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5718. [Dataset]

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