Seri, Paolo ; Ghosh, Riddhi ; Naderiallaf, Hadi ; Montanari, Gian Carlo
Investigating Energization Transients and the Potentiality of Partial Discharge Inception and Damage in Nanofilled Polypropylene Insulation for DC Cables and Capacitors.
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New nanostructured insulating materials are investigated, within the European project GRIDABLE, to be used for DC cable and capacitors. Besides electrical, thermal and mechanical properties, and life behavior, work is being done to evaluate their capability to endure highly stressing conditions as those cause by the inception of partial discharges, PD. This paper, in particular, analyzes what happens during energization of a DC cable or capacitors, when voltage goes from zero to the nominal value in a few seconds, while the internal electrical field takes longer time to reach the DC steady state configuration. During an energization transient, indeed, electrical field in insulation, and insulation defects (as cavities), is driven by permittivity, not conductivity as in steady state. Hence, PD might occur with high repetition rate, which would not occur, or at much lower repetition rate, in steady state. The way to evaluate the time constant of the transient, that is, through charging current measurement, is described and successfully fitted to the results of PD measurements performed on two types of polypropylene, PP: neat and nanostructured, and a cross-linked polyethylene, XLPE, having significantly different electrical characteristics.
New nanostructured insulating materials are investigated, within the European project GRIDABLE, to be used for DC cable and capacitors. Besides electrical, thermal and mechanical properties, and life behavior, work is being done to evaluate their capability to endure highly stressing conditions as those cause by the inception of partial discharges, PD. This paper, in particular, analyzes what happens during energization of a DC cable or capacitors, when voltage goes from zero to the nominal value in a few seconds, while the internal electrical field takes longer time to reach the DC steady state configuration. During an energization transient, indeed, electrical field in insulation, and insulation defects (as cavities), is driven by permittivity, not conductivity as in steady state. Hence, PD might occur with high repetition rate, which would not occur, or at much lower repetition rate, in steady state. The way to evaluate the time constant of the transient, that is, through charging current measurement, is described and successfully fitted to the results of PD measurements performed on two types of polypropylene, PP: neat and nanostructured, and a cross-linked polyethylene, XLPE, having significantly different electrical characteristics.
Tipologia del documento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
29 Gen 2020 14:52
Ultima modifica
29 Gen 2020 14:52
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
29 Gen 2020 14:52
Ultima modifica
29 Gen 2020 14:52
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
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