Seri, Paolo ; Ghosh, Riddhi ; Cirioni, Leonardo ; Montanari, Gian Carlo
Partial discharge measurements of DC insulation systems: the influence of the energization transient.
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This paper introduces techniques for partial discharge, PD, recognition under DC, both in steady state and in transient condition, during which the field in insulation varies slowly from a permittivity-driven to a conductivity-driven profile. This transient can be significantly long, depending on insulating material characteristics, and condition PD phenomenology and impact of PD on insulation life. Focusing mainly on the behavior of PD repetition rate as a function of time, after insulation energization by a DC voltage step, PD triggered by transient field can be separated from those relevant to steady state, which may indicate a criterion to estimate the partial discharge inception voltage, PDIV, under DC supply.
This paper introduces techniques for partial discharge, PD, recognition under DC, both in steady state and in transient condition, during which the field in insulation varies slowly from a permittivity-driven to a conductivity-driven profile. This transient can be significantly long, depending on insulating material characteristics, and condition PD phenomenology and impact of PD on insulation life. Focusing mainly on the behavior of PD repetition rate as a function of time, after insulation energization by a DC voltage step, PD triggered by transient field can be separated from those relevant to steady state, which may indicate a criterion to estimate the partial discharge inception voltage, PDIV, under DC supply.
Tipologia del documento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
30 Gen 2020 08:20
Ultima modifica
30 Gen 2020 08:20
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
30 Gen 2020 08:20
Ultima modifica
30 Gen 2020 08:20
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
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