CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 2.5 - "EIP-AGRI abstract on current experience and existing initiatives on collective, result-based and value chain solutions for AECPG provision"

Schaller, Lena ; Eichhorn, Theresa ; Kantelhardt, Jochen ; Targetti, Stefano ; Viaggi, Davide (2020) CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 2.5 - "EIP-AGRI abstract on current experience and existing initiatives on collective, result-based and value chain solutions for AECPG provision". University of Bologna, p. 3. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6477.
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To improve the provision of agri-environmental-climate public goods (AECPGs) from agriculture and forestry, new solutions, such as result-based payments or collective implementation, and new strategies along the value chain might help. The analysis of ca. 120 case studies in and outside EU showed that many real-life cases of implementation combine different contract types. Collective implementation can be a precondition for environmental effectiveness, particularly if AECPGs are addressed that can be hardly improved by measures on single plots, (e.g. water quality). Result-based contracts can target specific AECPGs and increase engagement of land-managers due to flexible management choices. Some recommendations for contract design and implementation are distilled: 1.) Targeting contracts to specific regions addresses regional criticalities and enhances the farmers’ and foresters’ interest and understanding of measures. 2.) Involving land-managers in target-setting and measure development leads to higher compatibility with their businesses and can create win-win situations. 3.) Involving control authorities in the design of indicators in result-based schemes can guarantee integrability into RDPs. 4.) Fostering bottom-up approaches and involving regional key actors as coordinating units enhances commitment and motivation in collective approaches. 5.) Guaranteeing good levels of equity and fairness enhances acceptance particularly in value-chain based solutions. It becomes clear that result-based and collective solutions don’t fit in each context situation, as they often demand high levels of knowledge and collaborative skills. Value chain approaches are often only suited if consumers’ awareness is high.

Tipologia del documento
Monografia (Rapporto tecnico)
Schaller, LenaUniversität Für Bodenkultur Wien
Eichhorn, TheresaUniversität Für Bodenkultur Wien
Kantelhardt, JochenUniversität Für Bodenkultur Wien
Targetti, StefanoUniversity of Bologna0000-0002-2154-546X
Viaggi, DavideUniversity of Bologna0000-0001-9503-2977
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
28 Set 2020 09:00
Ultima modifica
04 Dic 2020 16:26
Nome del Progetto
CONSOLE - CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020

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