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![[thumbnail of D6.2 Description of the website]](http://amsacta.unibo.it/7087/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Report%20about%20description%20of%20the%20project%20website.pdf)  Anteprima |
Documento di testo(pdf) (D6.2 Description of the website)
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The INCO-Piles 2020 website is available at the following link: https://site.unibo.it/inco-piles-2020/en. The website has been created inside the University of Bologna Platform “Websites on demand”. The main objective of the website is to assure the dissemination of the project results and initiatives. Therefore, the INCO-Piles 2020 website provides:
- An overview on the project and its objectives, with special attention to case studies and round tables. Moreover, specific sections are devoted to the partners’ presentation, to EIT Raw Materials and RIS Strategy and to reference contacts, in order to allow interested people getting more information about the consortium.
- The outputs and results.
- Social media link to follow and share the project activities.
The INCO-Piles 2020 website is available at the following link: https://site.unibo.it/inco-piles-2020/en. The website has been created inside the University of Bologna Platform “Websites on demand”. The main objective of the website is to assure the dissemination of the project results and initiatives. Therefore, the INCO-Piles 2020 website provides:
- An overview on the project and its objectives, with special attention to case studies and round tables. Moreover, specific sections are devoted to the partners’ presentation, to EIT Raw Materials and RIS Strategy and to reference contacts, in order to allow interested people getting more information about the consortium.
- The outputs and results.
- Social media link to follow and share the project activities.
Tipologia del documento
(Rapporto tecnico)
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
21 Nov 2022 14:26
Ultima modifica
31 Gen 2024 22:00
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EIT RawMaterials - KAVA Call 6
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
(Rapporto tecnico)
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
21 Nov 2022 14:26
Ultima modifica
31 Gen 2024 22:00
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EIT RawMaterials - KAVA Call 6
Statistica sui download
Statistica sui download
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