In the middle of nowhere: the issue of space in global citizenship education

Faggioli, Raffaella (2023) In the middle of nowhere: the issue of space in global citizenship education. Bologna: Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7367. In: GLOCITED - Editorial Series on Global Citizenship Education A cura di: Tarozzi, Massimiliano.
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This article is part of a broader debate on learning environments and educational spaces, with a focus on GCE. Space in relation to the quality of people's experience, in a transformative perspective that includes bottom-up models. The aim is to suggest further research on how space - and its characteristics - shapes democratic participation and global citizenship skills. It seems that space is essential in GCE practices, especially when it promotes lived experiences and actions that make people feel included in these landscapes.

Tipologia del documento
Monografia (Saggio)
Faggioli, RaffaellaUniversità di Bologna
Parole chiave
Learning environment; Living space; GCE; Global transformative approach
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
23 Ago 2023 08:11
Ultima modifica
12 Ott 2023 07:24

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