Back to Fundamentals of Research. Reliability, Transparency and Reproducibility. Roundtable 2: The researchers' perspective

Chemello, Francesco ; Fiorentino, Sara ; Galli, Maria Teresa ; Mattoni, Alice ; Ruggeri, Federico (2024) Back to Fundamentals of Research. Reliability, Transparency and Reproducibility. Roundtable 2: The researchers' perspective. In: Back to Fundamentals of Research. Reliability, Transparency and Reproducibility, 20/05/2024, Bologna.
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On May 20, 2024, the University of Bologna held an international event titled: “Back to fundamentals of research: Reliability, Transparency and Reproducibility” with distinguished experts from national and international institutions. The debate revolved around what it means to perform research responsibly and whether the reproducibility of results can be used as a reliable proxy for research quality. The second of the two roundtables gathered the perspectives of 6 researchers at the University of Bologna and was moderated by prof. Carlo Miniussi of the University of Trento, President of the Italian Reproducibility Network. Each researcher presented a case study and then answered one of the three questions posed by the moderator. This deck of slides includes all the case studies except for "AI for lung cancer imaging: ​a FAIRness story"​ by Giulia Raffaella De Luca (Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering), which has not been included for confidentiality reasons.

Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Presentazione)
Chemello, FrancescoDepartment of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna
Fiorentino, SaraDepartment of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna
Galli, Maria TeresaDepartment of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna
Mattoni, AliceDepartment of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna
Ruggeri, FedericoDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna
Parole chiave
Reliability, transparency, reproducibility, data, protocol, methodology, interpretation, reflexivity, training
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
03 Lug 2024 12:40
Ultima modifica
03 Lug 2024 12:45

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