4W TX/RX Multi Chip Module for 6-18GHz Phased Array

Bartocci, M. ; De Santis, G. ; Giolo, G. ; Rossi, L. ; Gemma, M. (2001) 4W TX/RX Multi Chip Module for 6-18GHz Phased Array. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.
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A complete Tx/Rx module for avionic and naval applications was developed and tested. A multifunction PHEMT MMIC chip set was realized. Multi chip integration in hermetic MoCu package was adopted in order to reduce cost, space and assembly time. High performances in the Tx channel was achieved using a 4W wideband amplifier.

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Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Atto)
Bartocci, M.
De Santis, G.
Giolo, G.
Rossi, L.
Gemma, M.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
17 Giu 2004
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 13:34

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