Luoghi di culto, sostenibilità ambientale e innovazione tecnologica nella pianificazione dello spazio urbano. Evocando il locus amoenus di Ernst Robert Curtis

Gagliardi, Caterina (2024) Luoghi di culto, sostenibilità ambientale e innovazione tecnologica nella pianificazione dello spazio urbano. Evocando il locus amoenus di Ernst Robert Curtis. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7757. In: Vol. 17/2024. A cura di: Faralli, Carla ; Mittica, M. Paola. Bologna: Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), pp. 1-16. ISBN 9788854971318. In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature, (17). A cura di: Faralli, Carla ; Mittica, M. Paola. ISSN 2035-553X.
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[Places of worship, technological innovation and sustainability in urban space planning] Different religious communities propose themselves as important mediators in processes of ecological transition, both in the development and dissemination of eco-sustainable programmes and solutions that can be seen as the concrete implementation of community life choices, both in the implementation and realisation of social and economic policies based on principles of environmental sustainability. In particular, the contribution intends to examine the dynamics of environmental sustainability that the various religious communities implement in their respective places of worship through the study and execution of solutions and projects that appear to contribute significantly to progress towards effective protection of the ecosystem. This perspective of investigation also makes it possible to highlight the lines of development that more specifically concern the tools, training programmes and funding opportunities for energy efficiency and eco-sustainability activities in the buildings in use and owned by religious organisations.

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Estratto da libro
Gagliardi, CaterinaUniversità di Napoli Federico II
Parole chiave
religion, places of worship, religious communities, ecological transition, technological innovation
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
20 Giu 2024 12:48
Ultima modifica
20 Giu 2024 12:48

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