Andreani, Giulia ;
Valentini, Simona ;
Dalmonte, Thomas ;
Isani, Gloria ;
Spinella, Giuseppe
Urine proteome in canicross dogs before and after a competition.
University of Bologna.
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The dataset contains the data on urinary biochemical parameters and urinary proteins to investigate the effects of exercise during canicross competition on to determine whether exercise and stress associated with competition could still have a negative effect on renal function.
In particular, pH was affected by exercise and proteinuria also showed changes immediately after physical exercise with a return to baseline within 2 hours after the physical activity.
SDS-PAGE electrophoresis allowed the separation of the urinary proteins on the basis of their molecular mass allowing a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the urinary proteome, which showed significant increase in urinary albumin and a decrease in uromodulin after exercise.
The dataset contains the data on urinary biochemical parameters and urinary proteins to investigate the effects of exercise during canicross competition on to determine whether exercise and stress associated with competition could still have a negative effect on renal function.
In particular, pH was affected by exercise and proteinuria also showed changes immediately after physical exercise with a return to baseline within 2 hours after the physical activity.
SDS-PAGE electrophoresis allowed the separation of the urinary proteins on the basis of their molecular mass allowing a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the urinary proteome, which showed significant increase in urinary albumin and a decrease in uromodulin after exercise.
Tipologia del documento
Parole chiave
Canicross; injury prevention; clinical examination; urinary biochemical parameters; urinary proteoma
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
30 Lug 2024 15:24
Ultima modifica
14 Feb 2025 10:54
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Parole chiave
Canicross; injury prevention; clinical examination; urinary biochemical parameters; urinary proteoma
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
30 Lug 2024 15:24
Ultima modifica
14 Feb 2025 10:54
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