Spazi urbani, prassi sociali e istituti giuridici nella città “elettrica” di Albert Robida

Scagliarini, Simone (2025) Spazi urbani, prassi sociali e istituti giuridici nella città “elettrica” di Albert Robida. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/8141. In: Vol. 18/2025. A cura di: Faralli, Carla ; Mittica, M. Paola. Bologna: Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), pp. 1-23. ISBN 9788854971844. In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature, (18). A cura di: Faralli, Carla ; Mittica, M. Paola. ISSN 2035-553X.
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[Urban spaces, social practices and legal institutions in Albert Robida's “electric” city] The book of Albert Robida Le Vingtième Siècle, under the guise of a coming-of-age novel set within a tale of scientific anticipation, actually conceals an accurate and interesting description of the transformations induced on the city of Paris by the new electronic technologies and, above all, the impact of these on social behavior (and formations) in the urban context. The framework traced by the author thus reveals a technological progress aimed in part at improving living conditions and the progress of the person, but within a general context in which the economic powers seem to be the real directors, profiting widely from the transformations induced by technology.

Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Scagliarini, SimoneUniversità di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Parole chiave
new technologies, social impact, progress, social behavior, urban context
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
20 Gen 2025 09:00
Ultima modifica
20 Gen 2025 09:01

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