Supplementary material of the paper "Using the Net-Map tool to analyze stakeholder networks in the city region food systems of seven European cities"

Leimkühler, Melissa ; Specht, Kathrin ; Schröter, Barbara ; Wissmann, Anna ; Iodice, Chiara ; Fox-Kämper, Runrid ; Steines, Ann-Kristin ; Monticone, Francesca ; Samoggia, Antonella ; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo ; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia ; Curtis, Adam ; Righini, Isabella ; D'Ostuni, Michele ; Ramón, Jaime ; Amghar, Samir ; Pascual-Fernández, José J. (2024) Supplementary material of the paper "Using the Net-Map tool to analyze stakeholder networks in the city region food systems of seven European cities". University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/8178. [Dataset]
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This file contains the supplementary material of the paper "Using the Net-Map tool to analyze stakeholder networks in the city region food systems of seven European cities"

Tipologia del documento
Leimkühler, MelissaResearch Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Specht, KathrinResearch Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Schröter, BarbaraResearch Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Wissmann, AnnaResearch Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Iodice, ChiaraResearch Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Fox-Kämper, RunridResearch Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Steines, Ann-KristinResearch Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Monticone, FrancescaDepartment of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna
Samoggia, AntonellaDepartment of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna
Modarelli, Giuseppe CarloUniversity of Naples Federico II
Reynaud-Desmet, LéliaVille de Romainville, Romainville, France
Curtis, AdamÅsli Gård, Oslo, Norway
Righini, IsabellaBusiness Unit Greenhouse Horticulture, Wageningen University and Research
D'Ostuni, MicheleDepartment of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna
Ramón, JaimeInstituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo, University of La Laguna
Amghar, SamirMunicipality of Lansingerland, Lansingerland, Netherlands
Pascual-Fernández, José J.Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo, University of La Laguna
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
31 Gen 2025 16:00
Ultima modifica
31 Gen 2025 16:01
Risorse collegate
Nome del Progetto
FoodE - Food Systems in European Cities
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020

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