Buccarella, Marco ;
Mantuano, Michele
La “cura” dei beni comuni urbani nell’intersezione tra città e diritto. Problemi e prospettive dell’Amministrazione condivisa nel caso di Vico Corridoio a Foggia.
In: Vol. 18/2025.
A cura di:
Faralli, Carla ;
Mittica, M. Paola.
Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL),
pp. 1-13.
ISBN 9788854971844.
In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature, (18).
A cura di:
Faralli, Carla ;
Mittica, M. Paola.
ISSN 2035-553X.
Full text disponibile come:
[The care of urban commons goods at the intersection of city and law. Problems and perspectives of shared administration in the case of Vico Corridoio in Foggia] The grassroots reappropriation of urban space is now a global phenomenon at the center of interdisciplinary interest. Citizens, acting as protagonists, aim to overturn the condition of peripheralization of the city by identifying the care of common goods as the grounds for claiming new social rights. Starting from this reflection, the case of Vico Corridoio in the historic center of Foggia presents itself as an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a (first) reconnaissance of the new forms of self-organization currently existing in this context. The analyzed case shares the aim of offering an alternative narrative to the stigmatization of the city: from the fight against social marginalization to the promotion of well-being, up to the redemption of the widespread and abandoned cultural heritage. The empirical study will be accompanied by a legal analysis, focusing on legal instruments aimed at promoting social economic, and socio-cultural regeneration and the requalification of buildings and urban spaces in the international and European policy framework. In particular, the analysis will cover the law of the so-called Third Sector and the legal instruments adopted in the Italian framework (i.e. co-programming, co-design, and agreements). In terms of the expected socio-legal impact, the analysis of this initial case and the involved actors, along with an examination of the current legislation, aims to formulate proposals to facilitate its formal recognition by the Public Administration. This is to lay the groundwork for initial hypotheses of shared administration in the care and management of Foggia’s common goods.
[The care of urban commons goods at the intersection of city and law. Problems and perspectives of shared administration in the case of Vico Corridoio in Foggia] The grassroots reappropriation of urban space is now a global phenomenon at the center of interdisciplinary interest. Citizens, acting as protagonists, aim to overturn the condition of peripheralization of the city by identifying the care of common goods as the grounds for claiming new social rights. Starting from this reflection, the case of Vico Corridoio in the historic center of Foggia presents itself as an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a (first) reconnaissance of the new forms of self-organization currently existing in this context. The analyzed case shares the aim of offering an alternative narrative to the stigmatization of the city: from the fight against social marginalization to the promotion of well-being, up to the redemption of the widespread and abandoned cultural heritage. The empirical study will be accompanied by a legal analysis, focusing on legal instruments aimed at promoting social economic, and socio-cultural regeneration and the requalification of buildings and urban spaces in the international and European policy framework. In particular, the analysis will cover the law of the so-called Third Sector and the legal instruments adopted in the Italian framework (i.e. co-programming, co-design, and agreements). In terms of the expected socio-legal impact, the analysis of this initial case and the involved actors, along with an examination of the current legislation, aims to formulate proposals to facilitate its formal recognition by the Public Administration. This is to lay the groundwork for initial hypotheses of shared administration in the care and management of Foggia’s common goods.
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
: urban common goods; social policy; urban regeneration; self-organization; shared administration
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
27 Gen 2025 09:05
Ultima modifica
27 Gen 2025 09:06
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
: urban common goods; social policy; urban regeneration; self-organization; shared administration
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
27 Gen 2025 09:05
Ultima modifica
27 Gen 2025 09:06
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