Evaluation of the psychometric properties of two scales for assessing the acceptance of myths about intimate partner violence against women. DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP)

Cecconi, Annalisa ; Albanesi, Cinzia ; Tomasetto, Carlo (2025) Evaluation of the psychometric properties of two scales for assessing the acceptance of myths about intimate partner violence against women. DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP). Bologna: University of Bologna, DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/8244.
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Data Management Plan of the research project "Evaluation of the psychometric properties of two scales for assessing the acceptance of myths about intimate partner violence against women". The project aims at testing the psychometric properties of the Domestic Violence Myths Acceptance Scale and the Acceptance of Myths About Intimate Partner Violence against Women Scale in Italian, and to compare the properties and usefulness of the two scales.

Tipologia del documento
Monografia (Rapporto tecnico)
Cecconi, AnnalisaUniversità di Bologna0009-0004-8850-2722
Albanesi, CinziaUniversità di BolognaORCID 0000-0001-8240-6159
Tomasetto, CarloUniversità di Bologna0000-0002-1350-1387
Parole chiave
intimate partner violence, domestic violence, myths, sexism, psychometric properties
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
20 Feb 2025 15:10
Ultima modifica
20 Feb 2025 15:10
Nome del Progetto
The perspective of antiviolence workers on secondary victimization and on their work experience - The perspective of antiviolence workers on secondary victimization and on their work experience
Programma di finanziamento
Unione Europea, MUR - PNRR, Missione 4 Componente 1, Investimento 4.1

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