RF Noise and Power Performances of AlGaN/GaN on Si(111) Substrates making of low cost modules.

Minko, A. ; Hoel, V. ; Dambrine, G. ; Gaquiere, C. ; Dejaeger, J-C ; Cordier, Y. ; Semond, F. ; Natali, F. ; Massies, J. ; Lahreche, H. ; Wedzikowski, L. ; Langer, R. ; Bove, P. (2004) RF Noise and Power Performances of AlGaN/GaN on Si(111) Substrates making of low cost modules. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11—12 Ottobre, Amsterdam.
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High performances was achieved on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs based on Si(111). Devices with 0.17-µm and 0.3-µm gate lengths are fabricated on two different layer growth at TIGER laboratory. RF noise and power performances are carried out on these transistors. The 0.17 x 100 µm2 devices exhibit a unity current gain cutoff frequency (ft) of 46 GHz, and a maximum frequency (fmax) of 92 GHz at VDS = 10 V. Also, a minimum noise figure (NFmin) of 1.1 dB and an available associated gain (Gass) of 12 dB are obtained at VDS = 10 V and f = 10 GHz. The 0.3 300 µm2 devices demonstrate a drain-to-source current density Ids = 925 mA/mm at VGS = 0 V and a maximum extrinsic transconductance (Gm) of 250 mS/mm. Furthermore, a high output power density of 1.9 W/mm associated to a PAE of 18% and a linear gain of 16 dB are measured at f = 10 GHz and VDS = 30 V. These performances are the best ever reported for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs based on silicon substrates at this frequency.

Document type
Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Minko, A.
Hoel, V.
Dambrine, G.
Gaquiere, C.
Dejaeger, J-C
Cordier, Y.
Semond, F.
Natali, F.
Massies, J.
Lahreche, H.
Wedzikowski, L.
Langer, R.
Bove, P.
Deposit date
15 Jun 2005
Last modified
17 Feb 2016 14:09

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