C Band DROs Using Microwave Bipolar Devices

Florian, C. ; Pirazzini, M. ; Vannini, G. ; Santarelli, A. ; Borgarino, M. ; Angelone, C. ; Paparo, M. ; Filicori, F. (2004) C Band DROs Using Microwave Bipolar Devices. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11—12 Ottobre, Amsterdam.
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A silicon self-aligned-emitter bipolar process from STMicroelectronics for very high efficiency handsets power applications has been used to build two Dielectric Resonator Oscillators. Despite this technology addresses the mobile telephony frequency range at 1.8GHz, the oscillators generate a stable reference at 6GHz and 7.5GHz with good phase noise performance. A low frequency noise model has been identified and implemented in a Gummel Poon BJT nonlinear model. A design technique to optimize stability and phase noise performances has been used. The DROs exhibit phase noise of -116dBc/Hz and -107dBc/Hz at 10KHz offset from the carrier at 6GHz and 7.5GHz, respectively.

Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Atto)
Florian, C.
Pirazzini, M.
Vannini, G.
Santarelli, A.
Borgarino, M.
Angelone, C.
Paparo, M.
Filicori, F.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
15 Giu 2005
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:11

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