Werquin, M. ; Vellas, N. ; Guhel, Y. ; Ducatteau, D. ; Boudart, B. ; Pesant, J.C. ; Bougrioua, Z. ; Germain, M. ; De Jaeger, J.C. ; Gaquière, C.
Performances of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs in Planar
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11—12 Ottobre, Amsterdam.
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The advantage of planar technology for the AlGaN/GaN HEMTs realization is demonstrated in this paper. A breakdown voltage closed to 100 V and an output power density of 4 W/mm at 4 GHz have been measured on a 2x25x1.5 µm² HEMT on sapphire substrate. These results are very promising because the devices have not been passivated, and no T gate has been achieved. Moreover, planar technology offers the advantage of a better reliability. At present time, it is the best power result obtained with an isolation by argon implantation.