Masini, Leonardo ; Santarelli, Alberto ; Vannini, Giorgio ; Caliumi, Alberto
An X-band GaAs MMIC down converter suitable for doppler sensors.
In: Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium. GAAS 1997, 3-5 September 1997, Bologna, Italy.
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A 9.9 % 10.7GH z down converter circuit, suitable for anti-burglar alarm systems, has been designed and realized in GaAs MMIC technology. The circuit transmits an RF signal towards a target and receives its frequency-shifted (Doppler effect) reflection, detecting possible movements of the target. In the paper a schematic description and details about the design methodology for the Dielectric Resonator oscillator and the Dual-FET mixer are given. Small and large signal measurements on the realized circuit are also presented.