Meliani, C. ; Rudolph, M. ; Heinrich, W.
On-chip GaAs-HBTbroadband-coupled high-bitrate modulator driver TWAs.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2005, 3-7 ottobre 2005, Parigi.
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A technique to connect two broadband GaAs HBT TWAs is presented. It covers the full range from DC to high frequency and is suitable for high bitrate (40 Gb/s) transmission circuits. This behavior is achieved by modifying the response of one TWA so that it compensates the low-frequency losses. This technique is truly broadband because it uses only elements which are directly connected, and thus is not limited at very low frequencies. Each single TWA delivers 8 dB of broadband gain at a 3dB cut-off-frequency of 26 GHz. Using this interconnect technique, a total broadband gain of 14.5 dB is obtained.