Philip, Gill
Reassessing the Canon: “fixed” phrases in general reference corpora.
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This paper sets forth the argument for revisiting fixed phrases in the light of the knowledge that their fixedness is not necessarily something to be taken for granted. It focuses on the location and analysis of variant forms in general reference corpora. Existing phraseological structures, including collocational frameworks, idiom schemas and semi-prepackaged phrases, are introduced by way of background before a procedure for retrieving non-canonical forms of fixed expressions in general reference corpora is presented. Some implications relating to the study of variant forms are presented, along with suggestions for future research directions.
This paper sets forth the argument for revisiting fixed phrases in the light of the knowledge that their fixedness is not necessarily something to be taken for granted. It focuses on the location and analysis of variant forms in general reference corpora. Existing phraseological structures, including collocational frameworks, idiom schemas and semi-prepackaged phrases, are introduced by way of background before a procedure for retrieving non-canonical forms of fixed expressions in general reference corpora is presented. Some implications relating to the study of variant forms are presented, along with suggestions for future research directions.
Tipologia del documento
Informazioni aggiuntive
In S. Granger e F. Meunier (a cura di) Phraseology : an interdisciplinary perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Parole chiave
class-inclusion hypothesis, collocational framework, fixed phrases, idiom principle, idiom schema, multi-word expressions, open-choice, units of meaning, variation, word-play
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Dic 2006
Ultima modifica
16 Mag 2011 12:04
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Informazioni aggiuntive
In S. Granger e F. Meunier (a cura di) Phraseology : an interdisciplinary perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Parole chiave
class-inclusion hypothesis, collocational framework, fixed phrases, idiom principle, idiom schema, multi-word expressions, open-choice, units of meaning, variation, word-play
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Dic 2006
Ultima modifica
16 Mag 2011 12:04
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