Breakdown and high-field reliability issues in heterojunction FETs for microwave power amplification

Menozzi, R. (2000) Breakdown and high-field reliability issues in heterojunction FETs for microwave power amplification. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2000, 2-6 october 2000, Paris.
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High-field reliability issues connected with hot electron and impact ionization are typically the reliability bottleneck of power FETs for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. This work deals with some aspects of this problem, from characterization and accelerated stressing techniques to the physical degradation mechanisms, using power AlGaAs/GaAs HFETs as a test vehicle.

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Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Atto)
Menozzi, R.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
17 Giu 2004
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 13:42

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