Donald, David ; Gianninoni, Riccardo ; Goldman, Jerry ; Lister, Maureen
Implementation and evaluation of an advanced tool for the annotation of authentic audio resources in second language instruction.
Methods and Technologies for Learning
pp. 269-276.
ISSN 1746-4463
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Project Pad, an open-source endeavor under development at Northwestern University, is an integrated web-based set of tools for searching, organizing, annotating and analyzing objects from digital repositories, for integrating those objects and analyses into web-based projects and for group exchange and decision making. It supports synchronous interaction between users and interaction with media objects themselves, such as the segmentation and annotation of streamed audio or video. These annotations can be permanently stored and searched transversally. Techniques for the integration of Project Pad into legal English courses at CILTA, the University of Bologna language centre, are presently being tested. Analysis of student feedback in the form of reports and recordings, as well as the XML data logs, will be used to establish criteria for the evaluation of students' linguistic choices during annotation, their behaviour and expectations when dealing with unfamiliar audio content and for the development and assessment of micro- and macro-listening comprehension skills. It is also hoped to gain deeper insight into modes of interaction between language learners in relation to streamed media content.
Project Pad, an open-source endeavor under development at Northwestern University, is an integrated web-based set of tools for searching, organizing, annotating and analyzing objects from digital repositories, for integrating those objects and analyses into web-based projects and for group exchange and decision making. It supports synchronous interaction between users and interaction with media objects themselves, such as the segmentation and annotation of streamed audio or video. These annotations can be permanently stored and searched transversally. Techniques for the integration of Project Pad into legal English courses at CILTA, the University of Bologna language centre, are presently being tested. Analysis of student feedback in the form of reports and recordings, as well as the XML data logs, will be used to establish criteria for the evaluation of students' linguistic choices during annotation, their behaviour and expectations when dealing with unfamiliar audio content and for the development and assessment of micro- and macro-listening comprehension skills. It is also hoped to gain deeper insight into modes of interaction between language learners in relation to streamed media content.
Tipologia del documento
Informazioni aggiuntive
Articolo presentato il 10 marzo 2005 all'International Conference on Methods and Technologies for Learning tenutosi a Palermo ed organizzato dall'Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche del CNR
Parole chiave
authentic multimedia resources, annotation, digital, collaborative commentary, digital collaboratory, interactive, open source, Project Pad, Spoken Word, streaming, repository
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
06 Ott 2008
Ultima modifica
16 Mag 2011 12:09
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Informazioni aggiuntive
Articolo presentato il 10 marzo 2005 all'International Conference on Methods and Technologies for Learning tenutosi a Palermo ed organizzato dall'Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche del CNR
Parole chiave
authentic multimedia resources, annotation, digital, collaborative commentary, digital collaboratory, interactive, open source, Project Pad, Spoken Word, streaming, repository
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
06 Ott 2008
Ultima modifica
16 Mag 2011 12:09
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