Barberio, Vitaliano ;
Kuric, Ines ;
Höllerer, Markus ;
Mollona, Edoardo ;
Pareschi, Luca
PERCEIVE project - Deliverable D3.3 "Descriptive report on the specific role of new media in EU financed projects' communication strategies".
p. 58.
Full text disponibile come:
In this report, we inquire the role of new social media as a communication tool of EU Cohesion
Policy. Practitioners in the feld of public policy communication in general and Cohesion Policy in
particular tend to agree on the need to increase the prominence and effectiveness of new media as
key channels of strategic communication of both central institutions and national/local managing
Social media in particular tends to be associated with the possibility of reaching the youngest
population (see for example the results of our interviews and survey in PERCEIVE Deliverables 3.1 and
3.2). However, their potential impact on communication strategies goes much beyond this point and
encompasses changes in the segmentation of target audiences (i.e. communities rather than the
general public) on the one hand, and in the way Cohesion Policy ‘stories’ are told on the other hand
(i.e. interactivity with audiences).
In spite of the potential impact of new and especially social media on strategic policy
communication, based on our experience in the feld as well as on a review of both academic and
practice-oriented literature, we argue that much is still to be learnt about how to realise this
potential. This is especially true given the scarce attention of academic research to the specifcities of
Cohesion Policy, among other public policies.
Therefore, in order to extend current knowledge on the communication issues highlighted above, we
present the results of empirical analysis we have performed with the aim of describing the new
(social) media presence of different key actors in the institutional feld of EU Cohesion Policy
communication in the current report.
In this report, we inquire the role of new social media as a communication tool of EU Cohesion
Policy. Practitioners in the feld of public policy communication in general and Cohesion Policy in
particular tend to agree on the need to increase the prominence and effectiveness of new media as
key channels of strategic communication of both central institutions and national/local managing
Social media in particular tends to be associated with the possibility of reaching the youngest
population (see for example the results of our interviews and survey in PERCEIVE Deliverables 3.1 and
3.2). However, their potential impact on communication strategies goes much beyond this point and
encompasses changes in the segmentation of target audiences (i.e. communities rather than the
general public) on the one hand, and in the way Cohesion Policy ‘stories’ are told on the other hand
(i.e. interactivity with audiences).
In spite of the potential impact of new and especially social media on strategic policy
communication, based on our experience in the feld as well as on a review of both academic and
practice-oriented literature, we argue that much is still to be learnt about how to realise this
potential. This is especially true given the scarce attention of academic research to the specifcities of
Cohesion Policy, among other public policies.
Therefore, in order to extend current knowledge on the communication issues highlighted above, we
present the results of empirical analysis we have performed with the aim of describing the new
(social) media presence of different key actors in the institutional feld of EU Cohesion Policy
communication in the current report.
Tipologia del documento
(Rapporto tecnico)
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Gen 2018 10:00
Ultima modifica
17 Lug 2019 10:17
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
(Rapporto tecnico)
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Gen 2018 10:00
Ultima modifica
17 Lug 2019 10:17
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Statistica sui download
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