La grammaticografia della lingua russa in italiano (1882-1917)

Cifariello, Alesssandra (2019) La grammaticografia della lingua russa in italiano (1882-1917). DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6543. In: Lingue seconde e istituzioni: Un approccio storiografico. A cura di: Vicentini, Alessandra ; Lombardini, Hugo E.. Bologna: Clueb, pp. 47-67. ISBN 978‐88‐491‐5666‐9. In: Quaderni del CIRSIL, (13). ISSN 1973-9338.
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The purpose of this article is to offer an analysis of the grammar resources for teaching and learning Russian as an L2 (grammar books, textbooks, method books) published in Italian between 1882 and December 1917 – therefore, leaving out books published after the post-Revolution reform of Russian orthography. The analysis will focus on their publishing, textual, structural and content aspects; the use of different linguistic registers of the L2 and their corresponding purposes; the target audience. Finally, the books’ methodological and glottodidactic approaches for teaching and learning Russian as an L2 will be discussed.

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Cifariello, AlesssandraUniversità degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Dic 2020 10:11
Ultima modifica
16 Dic 2020 10:14

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