Lombardini, Hugo E.
Lingue seconde e istituzioni. Un approccio storiografico.
In: Lingue seconde e istituzioni: Un approccio storiografico.
A cura di:
Vicentini, Alessandra ;
Lombardini, Hugo E..
pp. 93-122.
ISBN 978‐88‐491‐5666‐9.
In: Quaderni del CIRSIL, (13).
ISSN 1973-9338.
Full text disponibile come:
![[thumbnail of CIRSIL 13 - 06 Lombardini.pdf]](http://amsacta.unibo.it/6545/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/CIRSIL%2013%20-%2006%20Lombardini.pdf)  Anteprima |
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In 1832, Bachi published a work that is considered the first university grammar book of Spanish for learners of Italian, who were not Italian native speakers. It was dedicated to students of Harvard University (USA). As far as Italian is concerned – although there are some other previous texts (Spagnolo de Monaci and D'Ovidio 1879) – Egidio Gorra’s work (Lingua e letteratura spagnuola delle origini), published by Hoepli in Milan (1898), constitutes the first historical grammar book specifically dedicated to a higher-education audience. It is a work intended for students of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Pavia, which includes many of the typical features of a university textbook. The purpose of the paper is to consider this characterization in light of previous Spanish grammars for Italian speakers, highlighting those elements that distinguish it as a university textbook.
In 1832, Bachi published a work that is considered the first university grammar book of Spanish for learners of Italian, who were not Italian native speakers. It was dedicated to students of Harvard University (USA). As far as Italian is concerned – although there are some other previous texts (Spagnolo de Monaci and D'Ovidio 1879) – Egidio Gorra’s work (Lingua e letteratura spagnuola delle origini), published by Hoepli in Milan (1898), constitutes the first historical grammar book specifically dedicated to a higher-education audience. It is a work intended for students of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Pavia, which includes many of the typical features of a university textbook. The purpose of the paper is to consider this characterization in light of previous Spanish grammars for Italian speakers, highlighting those elements that distinguish it as a university textbook.
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
19th century, grammar book, Gorra, ELE, Spanish for Italian speakers.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Dic 2020 10:16
Ultima modifica
13 Feb 2024 12:00
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
19th century, grammar book, Gorra, ELE, Spanish for Italian speakers.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Dic 2020 10:16
Ultima modifica
13 Feb 2024 12:00
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