Appunti bibliografici sulla storia dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere nell’Università italiana

San Vicente, Félix (2019) Appunti bibliografici sulla storia dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere nell’Università italiana. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6556. In: Lingue seconde e istituzioni: Un approccio storiografico. A cura di: Vicentini, Alessandra ; Lombardini, Hugo E.. Bologna: Clueb, pp. 263-294. ISBN 978‐88‐491‐5666‐9. In: Quaderni del CIRSIL, (13). ISSN 1973-9338.
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In the recent development of linguistic historiography, the interest in foreign and second languages has developed considerably as regards the materials used to describe and learn/teach them, such as dictionaries, grammars, textbooks and other resources that have spread throughout Europe since the Renaissance. The nationalization of public education in Italy since the Unity represented an important turning point for their study, in the entire school system in the first place, and then in the universities, in which they made their way between literary and philological teachings up to the seventies of the last century, when linguistic teachings began to strengthen themselves through the creation of first and second level university chairs all over the country. The bibliography presented and commented in this study reflects these different issues and, in particular, the strong attempt made by linguists at the end of the last century to adapt university language teachings to the identity of the different faculties and the new methods of teaching.

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Estratto da libro
San Vicente, FélixUniversità di Bologna
Parole chiave
linguistic historiography, foreign languages, university teaching.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Dic 2020 10:47
Ultima modifica
16 Dic 2020 10:47

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