Telemedicina e trasformazione delle relazioni nelle attività di cura

Zamarian, Marco ; Rulli, Giovanni ; Gasparre, Angelo ; Franceschi, Roberto ; Ponte, Diego ; Zanutto, Alberto ; Barbini, Francesco Maria (2024) Telemedicina e trasformazione delle relazioni nelle attività di cura. A cura di: Zamarian, Marco. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, p. 102. ISBN 978-88-98626-33-5. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7748. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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In recent years, exogenous shocks and cuts in public funding affected the ability to provide health services of adequate quality: an increase in the need for clinical work has combined with a chronic understaffing of medical personnel to generate a critical crisis. Telemedicine has emerged as a potential solution, as it allows saving professional work and preserving quality. Telemedicine is not a new set of practices, but recent advancements in information technology and management – such as the introduction of big data analysis and viable artificial intelligence techniques – have generated a debate on many operational and ethical questions. This book explores the transformations that a widespread use of telemedicine can generate in the relationships between the affected subjects – doctors, patients, other health professionals – and between human and artificial agents at the dawn of Artificial Intelligence.

Tipologia del documento
Monografia (Libro)
Zamarian, Marco
Rulli, Giovanni
Gasparre, Angelo
Franceschi, Roberto
Ponte, Diego
Zanutto, Alberto
Barbini, Francesco Maria
Parole chiave
Telemedicine, Artificial intelligence, Organizational action, Health policy, Human-computer interaction
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
17 Giu 2024 09:41
Ultima modifica
02 Lug 2024 11:09

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