Secondary victimization of IPV victims and their children: the perspective of anti-violence workers. DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP)

Cecconi, Annalisa ; Albanesi, Cinzia ; Tomasetto, Carlo (2024) Secondary victimization of IPV victims and their children: the perspective of anti-violence workers. DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP). University of Bologna, p. 13. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7914.
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Data Management Plan of the qualitative research project "Secondary victimization of IPV victims and their children: the perspective of anti-violence workers". The project aims at exploring antiviolence workers' perspective on the phenomenon of secondary victimization of IPV victims and their children. The research adopts a qualitative design (participant observation and semi-structured interviews with 26 participants from Italian anti-violence centers).

Tipologia del documento
Monografia (Rapporto tecnico)
Cecconi, AnnalisaUniversità di Bologna0009-0004-8850-2722
Albanesi, CinziaUniversità di Bologna0000-0001-8240-6159
Tomasetto, CarloUniversità di Bologna0000-0002-1350-1387
Parole chiave
domestic violence, intimate partner violence, secondary victimization, antiviolence workers, exposure to domestic violence
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
02 Ott 2024 14:14
Ultima modifica
09 Ott 2024 09:27
Nome del Progetto
The perspective of antiviolence workers on secondary victimization and on their work experience - The perspective of antiviolence workers on secondary victimization and on their work experience
Programma di finanziamento
Unione Europea, MUR - PNRR, Missione 4 Componente 1, Investimento 4.1

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