Kuzovleva, Olga
Письма А. Е. Парниса к Н. С. Травушкину. 1970–1984 гг.
In: Velimir Khlebnikov 1922-2022. One Hundred Years of a Myth.
A cura di:
Cortesi, Luca ;
Imposti, Gabriella Elina.
University of Bologna, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures,
pp. 90-110.
ISBN 9788854971820.
Full text available as:
[Pis'ma A.E. Parnisa k N.S. Travushkinu. 1970-1984 gg.] Velimir Khlebnikov’s name was long forgotten. It took a great effort of some people, faithful to Khlebnikov's precept to “sow the eyes”, for a series of events to take place, contributing to the official recognition of the poet first in narrow and then in wide circles. A. E. Parnis, a Khlebnikov scholar of international renown, corresponded with Professor N. S. Travushkin of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute for more than ten years. Letters sent from Moscow and Kiev to Astrakhan from 1970 to 1984 are evidence of the way in which A. E. Parnis explored the topic “Khlebnikov and Astrakhan”. In addition to discovering and attributing several texts of the head of the Futurians, especially in the newspaper “Red Warrior”, and finding the true birthplace of the poet, A. E. Parnis is the mastermind behind the Khlebnikov readings in Astrakhan, which were first organized by N. S. Travushkin on his suggestion. Besides, A. E. Parnis found the poet’s relatives and established friendly relations with the descendants of the Khlebnikov family, drew the public’s attention to the need for a memorial plaque on the house where the Khlebnikovs lived, and for many years sought publications about Velimir in the Astrakhan press.
[Pis'ma A.E. Parnisa k N.S. Travushkinu. 1970-1984 gg.] Velimir Khlebnikov’s name was long forgotten. It took a great effort of some people, faithful to Khlebnikov's precept to “sow the eyes”, for a series of events to take place, contributing to the official recognition of the poet first in narrow and then in wide circles. A. E. Parnis, a Khlebnikov scholar of international renown, corresponded with Professor N. S. Travushkin of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute for more than ten years. Letters sent from Moscow and Kiev to Astrakhan from 1970 to 1984 are evidence of the way in which A. E. Parnis explored the topic “Khlebnikov and Astrakhan”. In addition to discovering and attributing several texts of the head of the Futurians, especially in the newspaper “Red Warrior”, and finding the true birthplace of the poet, A. E. Parnis is the mastermind behind the Khlebnikov readings in Astrakhan, which were first organized by N. S. Travushkin on his suggestion. Besides, A. E. Parnis found the poet’s relatives and established friendly relations with the descendants of the Khlebnikov family, drew the public’s attention to the need for a memorial plaque on the house where the Khlebnikovs lived, and for many years sought publications about Velimir in the Astrakhan press.
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Book Section
Astrakhan, House-museum V. Khlebnikov, Khlebnikov readings
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19 Dec 2024 16:10
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19 Dec 2024 16:17
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Document type
Book Section
Astrakhan, House-museum V. Khlebnikov, Khlebnikov readings
Deposit date
19 Dec 2024 16:10
Last modified
19 Dec 2024 16:17
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