Petrushanskaya, Elena
От идей мирового радио у Хлебникова — в будущее.
In: Velimir Khlebnikov 1922-2022. One Hundred Years of a Myth.
A cura di: Cortesi, Luca ; Imposti, Gabriella Elina.
University of Bologna, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures,
pp. 196-224.
ISBN 9788854971820.
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[Ot idei mirovogo radio u Khlebnikova - v budushchee] One of Velimir Khlebnikov’s summative concepts was the utopia he created in his manifesto Radio of the Future (autumn 1921). Here were fused Nietzschean ideas and metaphors; anticipations of technological Futurism coming from Italy; Russian messianic expectations, and premonitions, later embodied in the ideas of Vernadsky’s “noosphere”; tendencies to deify the Machine and the Mechanical. Reflecting on the artistic artefact: the giant, divine image of the “samoglas”, the poet expressed his thoughts about the world associations of people’s spirits. In the essay, we will consider the utopian concept framework: from premonitions of the world web of information, grasping the cognitive, organizational and creative functions of the new media, dreams of the spiritual unity of mankind – to Khlebnikov's loose imaginations, the text language born in a difficult period of his life – with the knowledge of the further development of the “radio theme” in the work of Russian writers, up to the present time.
[Ot idei mirovogo radio u Khlebnikova - v budushchee] One of Velimir Khlebnikov’s summative concepts was the utopia he created in his manifesto Radio of the Future (autumn 1921). Here were fused Nietzschean ideas and metaphors; anticipations of technological Futurism coming from Italy; Russian messianic expectations, and premonitions, later embodied in the ideas of Vernadsky’s “noosphere”; tendencies to deify the Machine and the Mechanical. Reflecting on the artistic artefact: the giant, divine image of the “samoglas”, the poet expressed his thoughts about the world associations of people’s spirits. In the essay, we will consider the utopian concept framework: from premonitions of the world web of information, grasping the cognitive, organizational and creative functions of the new media, dreams of the spiritual unity of mankind – to Khlebnikov's loose imaginations, the text language born in a difficult period of his life – with the knowledge of the further development of the “radio theme” in the work of Russian writers, up to the present time.
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
Radio, utopia, premonitions, new media functions, future, writers
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Dic 2024 16:10
Ultima modifica
19 Dic 2024 16:19
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
Radio, utopia, premonitions, new media functions, future, writers
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Dic 2024 16:10
Ultima modifica
19 Dic 2024 16:19
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