Data on the contribution of the decomposition of residues of forage radish and black oats on the total N budget of annual and perennial organs: 15N study.

Tassinari, Adriele ; Nogara de Siqueira, Gustavo ; Krug, Amanda Veridiana ; Letícia, Morsch ; Talita, Trapp ; Brunetto, Gustavo (2024) Data on the contribution of the decomposition of residues of forage radish and black oats on the total N budget of annual and perennial organs: 15N study. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/8110. [Dataset]
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The dataset reports information on the contribution of N derived from the decomposition of forage radish (Raphanus sativus) and black oats (Avena strigosa) to citrus leaves accumulation of 15N. Forage radish and black oats were grown and enriched with 15N stable isotope. Plant total N and 15N concentrations were determined in leaves in different period of the season. In the dataset data of total N, rate 14N/15N, 15N derived from residues and from soil are reported.

Tipologia del documento
Tassinari, AdrieleDepartment of Soil, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)0000-0002-4883-4835
Nogara de Siqueira, GustavoDepartment of Soil, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)0000-0002-5544-9599
Krug, Amanda VeridianaDepartment of Soil, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)0000-0003-1434-849X
Letícia, MorschDepartment of Rural Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina0000-0001-8454-6876
Talita, TrappDepartment of Rural Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina0000-0003-1813-4245
Brunetto, GustavoDepartment of Soil, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)0000-0002-3174-9992
Parole chiave
N uptake; N distribution; Citrus × unshiu, cover crops; stable isotopes; nutrient management
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Toselli, Moreno
Department of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna
Research group
Baldi, Elena
Department of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna
Contact person
Data di deposito
09 Gen 2025 12:13
Ultima modifica
09 Gen 2025 12:13
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