Data sets of Gluten free Spirulina bread modulation of the gut microbiota

Nissen, Lorenzo ; Casciano, Flavia ; Chiarello, Elena ; Di Nunzio, Mattia ; Bordoni, Alessandra ; Gianotti, Andrea (2024) Data sets of Gluten free Spirulina bread modulation of the gut microbiota. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/8211. [Dataset]
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The file Sourdough_Spirulina_Gluten-free_gut-model_Data.ods includes several raw data associated with the modulation of the gut microbiota by a gluten-free (GF) spirulina bread. These data are integral to understanding the impact of the spirulina-enriched sourdough on the gut microbiota composition and its potential health benefits. In particular, the file contains: (1) raw data from measurements and experimental qPCR results, to quantify the microbial populations in the gut following the administration of spirulina gluten-free bread. These data serve as the foundational input for further analyses and provide a baseline for understanding the gut microbiota's response to this dietary intervention; (2) data from correlation analyses to explore the relationships between various microbiota components and the dietary intervention with spirulina gluten-free bread. The purpose of this analysis is to identify significant associations that could shed light on the interactions between specific bacterial taxa and the dietary components introduced into the gut environment; (3) data from multivariate analysis. The multivariate approach allows for a deeper exploration of how multiple variables, such as different microbial groups, metabolites, and other factors, interact with each other within the gut model. The insights gained from this analysis can help identify broader patterns and provide a more holistic understanding of the effects of spirulina gluten-free bread on gut microbiota dynamics. This dataset offers valuable insights into how gluten-free spirulina bread influences gut microbiota, contributing to the growing body of research in the field of microbiome and gut health. The analysis and correlations presented will support further investigations into the potential prebiotic effects of spirulina and its role in shaping gut microbiota.

Tipologia del documento
Nissen, LorenzoDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna; CIRI-Interdepartmental Centre of Agri-Food Industrial Research, University of Bologna; CRBA, Centre for Applied Biomedical Research, University of Bologna, Policlinico di Sant'Orsola
Casciano, FlaviaDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna; CRBA, Centre for Applied Biomedical Research, University of Bologna, Policlinico di Sant'Orsola
Chiarello, ElenaDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna
Di Nunzio, MattiaDepartment of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DEFENS), University of Milan
Bordoni, AlessandraDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna; CIRI-Interdepartmental Centre of Agri-Food Industrial Research, University of Bologna
Gianotti, AndreaDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna; CIRI-Interdepartmental Centre of Agri-Food Industrial Research, University of Bologna; CRBA, Centre for Applied Biomedical Research, University of Bologna, Policlinico di Sant'Orsola
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Nissen, Lorenzo
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna; CIRI-Interdepartmental Centre of Agri-Food Industrial Research, University of Bologna; CRBA, Centre for Applied Biomedical Research, University of Bologna, Policlinico di Sant'Orsola
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Data di deposito
10 Feb 2025 13:28
Ultima modifica
10 Feb 2025 13:29
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