Bessemoulin, A. ; Grunenputt, J. ; Fellon, P. ; Tessmann, A. ; Kohn, E.
Coplanar W-Band Low Noise Amplifier NMIC Using 100-nm Gate-length GaAs PHEMTs.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11—12 Ottobre 2004, Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
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This paper presents the performance of a W-band low noise amplifier MMIC, based on coplanar technology, and utilizing 100-nm gate-length GaAs pseudomorphic power HEMTs. With a chip size of less than 2 mm2, this two-stage LNA achieves a small signal gain of more than 12 dB between 90 and 100 GHz, with 12.5-dB gain and 3.9-dB noise figure at 94 GHz. This is the best reported performance for power PHEMT-based LNAs at W-band, which is also comparable to the best results reported with more advanced InP or Metamorphic HEMT low noise technologies.