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Number of documents on this level: 12.

Manferdini, Anna Maria (2012) A Methodology for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage Sites Through the Use of Low-Cost Technologies and Procedures. [Preprint]

Apollonio, FI ; Corsi, C ; Gaiani, M ; Baldissini, S (2010) An Integrated 3D Geodatabase for Palladio's Work. [Preprint]

A cura di: Trentin, Annalisa (2020) CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities' Tranformation. Bologna, Italy: Dipartimento di Architettura, p. 439. ISBN 9788854970748. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6596.

Apollonio, F I ; Benedetti, B ; Gaiani, M ; Baldissini, S (2011) Construction, Management and Visualization of 3D Models of Large Archeological and Architectural Sites for E-Heritage GIS Systems. In: XXIIIrd International CIPA Symposium, September 12 - 16, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Manferdini, Anna Maria ; Cipriani, Luca (2011) Digital 3d Collections of Mosaics. [Preprint]

A cura di: Trentin, Annalisa (2023) Envisioning Transitions. Bodies, buildings, and boundaries. Bologna: Department of Architecture, p. 162. ISBN 9788854971141. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7324.

Manferdini, Anna Maria ; Garagnani, Simone (2011) Fruizione digitale di reperti archeologici. L’esperienza del museo civico archeologico di Bologna. Digital fruition of archeological finds. The experience at he archeological museum of Bologna. [Preprint]

Garagnani, Simone ; Manferdini, Anna Maria ; Mingucci, Roberto (2012) Il Disegno per i Concorsi d’Architettura: un ritorno all’antico? Rivisitazioni stereoscopiche di disegni della prima metà del ‘900. [Preprint]

Apollonio, FI ; Benedetti, B ; Diarte Blasco, P ; Gaiani, M ; Guidazzoli, A (2010) Pompeya como caso de estudio: La visualización digital aplicada a la arqueología de una ciudad vesubiana. Virtual Archaeology Review, 1 (1). pp. 59-62. ISSN 1989-9947

Manferdini, Anna Maria (2012) The Use of Low-Cost Technologies for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage Sites. The Case Study of Veleia. [Preprint]

Garagnani, Simone ; Manferdini, Anna Maria (2011) Virtual and augmented reality applications for Cultural Heritage. [Preprint]

Maahsen-Milan, Andreina ; Pellegrino, Margot (2012) “Futurama II”. Tracking the ‘Presence of the Future’ in Contemporary Architecture Representations. [Preprint]

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