Gabriella, Imposti
Un caso di “traduzione estrema”: il palindromo.
In: Lezioni di Traduzione 1.
A cura di:
Bąkowska, Nadzieja ;
Alberti, Alberto.
University of Bologna, Department of Mondern Languages Literatures and Cultures,
pp. 89-103.
ISBN 9788854970946.
In: Lezioni di Traduzione, (1).
Full text available as:
A CASE OF “EXTREME TRANSLATION”: THE PALINDROME • This article opens with a brief overview of the form and meaning of the palindrome in literature,
mathematics and biology. It then focuses on the revival of the palindrome by the Futurist poet
Chlebnikov, who in 1912 composed a short poem consisting of palindromes and who later wrote a
long poem entirely in palindromic verses devoted to the legendary historical figure of Stenka Razin.
The palindrome is a rhetorical device that means more than a mere verbal game in Chlebnikov’s
poetics. It reflects his conception of the word as a magic and cosmogonic power which can
transform and recreate the world. The palindrome is also a figure suitable for the expression
of a time of troubles and revolutions. In the article I discuss the problem of the translation of
the palindrome as a type of “extreme” translation (Nasi 2015). In particular two translations
of Chlebnikov’s first palindromic poem Pereverten’ are analysed. Kern (1976) approaches the
palindrome translating into English the semantics of the single words and ignoring its palindromic
structure. The second instance is Oskar Pastior’s translation into German, who decides
to “translate” the device itself of the palindrome. This is an exampe of “extreme” translation.
Pastior re-writes the text à la Chlebnikov, trying to be consist with the underlying semantics and
themes of the original text.
A CASE OF “EXTREME TRANSLATION”: THE PALINDROME • This article opens with a brief overview of the form and meaning of the palindrome in literature,
mathematics and biology. It then focuses on the revival of the palindrome by the Futurist poet
Chlebnikov, who in 1912 composed a short poem consisting of palindromes and who later wrote a
long poem entirely in palindromic verses devoted to the legendary historical figure of Stenka Razin.
The palindrome is a rhetorical device that means more than a mere verbal game in Chlebnikov’s
poetics. It reflects his conception of the word as a magic and cosmogonic power which can
transform and recreate the world. The palindrome is also a figure suitable for the expression
of a time of troubles and revolutions. In the article I discuss the problem of the translation of
the palindrome as a type of “extreme” translation (Nasi 2015). In particular two translations
of Chlebnikov’s first palindromic poem Pereverten’ are analysed. Kern (1976) approaches the
palindrome translating into English the semantics of the single words and ignoring its palindromic
structure. The second instance is Oskar Pastior’s translation into German, who decides
to “translate” the device itself of the palindrome. This is an exampe of “extreme” translation.
Pastior re-writes the text à la Chlebnikov, trying to be consist with the underlying semantics and
themes of the original text.
Document type
Book Section
Deposit date
18 Jul 2022 14:33
Last modified
15 May 2023 12:37
Project name
Funding program
MIUR - Dipartimenti di Eccellenza MIUR [L. 232 del 01/12/2016]
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Document type
Book Section
Deposit date
18 Jul 2022 14:33
Last modified
15 May 2023 12:37
Project name
Funding program
MIUR - Dipartimenti di Eccellenza MIUR [L. 232 del 01/12/2016]
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