Difonzo, Marinella ; Alemu, Yemataw Addis
ECLIPSE. WP1. Systems for signal amplification. Task 1.2. Synthesis and characterization of ECL-active silica nanoparticles. V1.
University of Bologna.
DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7361.
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The presented dataset contains data and images produced in the framework of the ECLipse project, regarding the physicochemical, photophysical and electrochemiluminescence (ECL) properties of magnetic microbeads coupled to silica nanoparticles (DDSNPs) doped with [Ru(bpy)3](2+) or [Ru(bpy)2(BPS)] of three different sizes (large, medium, small) as ECL emitters (bpy: 2,2'-bipyridine, BPS:bathophenanthroline disulfonate). The aim of the study was the investigation of doped nanoparticles' ECL properties as a function of nanoparticle's size and nature of the doping dye.