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Text(odt) (The file contains the co-creation workshop concept note including the agenda, the background framework and the questions for the breakout rooms discussion)
License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) Download (51kB) |
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Text(odt) (The file contains the report summarizing the framework, the methodology and the outcomes of the co-creation workshop)
License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) Download (63kB) |
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Text(odt) (README file of the dataset “Una.Resin, WP2, T2.4: Co-creation workshop on Research Infrastructures and Resources”)
License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) Download (26kB) |
The dataset is related to the Horizon 2020 Una.Resin project Work Package 2, co-creation workshop on Research Infrastructures and Resources – RIRs (Task 2.4). The workshop “From mapping to co-creation: Towards a Una Europa Strategy and Action plan for sharing RIRs” was held online on the 23rd of June 2022. The aim was to collect inputs and insights from the RIRs experts and academic communities from all the Una Europa universities to develop the strategy and action plan for sharing RIRs across the universities of the Alliance. The workshop was divided into two parts: (i) Presentations session; (ii) Co-creation exercise. The first part was dedicated to the presentations of two relevant RIRs from the Cultural Heritage and the One Health field and the presentation of key results from the WP2 mapping exercise. The second session was dedicated to an in-depth discussion organized in breakout rooms and involving 6 participants (3 from the field of Cultural Heritage and 3 from the field of One Health) from each partner university: University of Edinburgh (UEDIN), University of Helsinki (UH), University of Bologna (UNIBO), Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Jagiellonian University (JU), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1). A total of 87 people participated in the Presentations session, out of which 62 took part in the Co-creation exercise. During the Co-creation exercise, the results of the mapping exercises were used as driver to stimulate the discussions. In particular, four topics were proposed for the discussion: (i) relevant principles for opening and sharing RIRs across universities; (ii) funding opportunities to stimulate interuniversity cooperation around RIRs; (iii) strengthening skills and knowledge related to RIRs management; (iv) overcoming other barriers to share RIRs. The inputs emerging from the mapping exercises and collected during the co-creation workshop were used by WP2 team as a basis to draft the pillars of the Una Europa strategy and action plan for sharing RIRs and finalize the conceptual framework for WP2 pilot actions on RIRs.