Antonini, Rachele ;
Bucaria, Chiara ;
Nasi, Nicola
Self-expression through poetry. Repilot action activity handbook.
Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione,
p. 34.
ISBN 9788854971707.
Full text disponibile come:
The handbook is a reader-friendly guide that can be used by teachers, educators, parents and students to plan and implement co-creation activities. It contains a collection of co-created learning activities and resources that have been implemented in Italy with the aim of engaging young people to express their identities, histories and stories through the creation of various artistic products. In particular, the activity-based interventions described in this handbook focus on the following objectives: to give pupils the tools to explore, express and share their stories; to encourage listening and dialogue through group work; to help pupils become more adept at using language to express their thoughts, feelings and identities; to encourage pupils to reflect on their role in planning and carrying out school activities.
The handbook is a reader-friendly guide that can be used by teachers, educators, parents and students to plan and implement co-creation activities. It contains a collection of co-created learning activities and resources that have been implemented in Italy with the aim of engaging young people to express their identities, histories and stories through the creation of various artistic products. In particular, the activity-based interventions described in this handbook focus on the following objectives: to give pupils the tools to explore, express and share their stories; to encourage listening and dialogue through group work; to help pupils become more adept at using language to express their thoughts, feelings and identities; to encourage pupils to reflect on their role in planning and carrying out school activities.
Tipologia del documento
Parole chiave
co-creation, particpatory actionresearch, whole-child approach,inclusion in education, self-expression, poetry
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
24 Ott 2024 13:14
Ultima modifica
24 Ott 2024 13:14
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Parole chiave
co-creation, particpatory actionresearch, whole-child approach,inclusion in education, self-expression, poetry
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
24 Ott 2024 13:14
Ultima modifica
24 Ott 2024 13:14
Nome del Progetto
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020
Statistica sui download
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