Data related to the Effect of Fe and Cu on Browning kinetics in model wine solutions

Kumar, Yogesh ; Ricci, Arianna ; Wang, Guanghao ; Parpinello, Giuseppina Paola ; Versari, Andrea (2024) Data related to the Effect of Fe and Cu on Browning kinetics in model wine solutions. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/8018. [Dataset]
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This dataset contains spectra showing examines the effects of Cu and Fe on browning in model wine solutions with various ethanol concentrations (12%, 2%, 1%, and 0.5% v/v) and in aqueous solutions. The data were generated to elucidate mechanisms impacting real product scenarios, including low- and no-alcohol wines. Specifically, the model wine solutions were prepared by adding tartaric acid, caffeic acid, and catechin into an aqueous ethanol solution containing transition metals (iron [Fe] and copper [Cu]) along with sulfur dioxide (SO2). The concentrations of caffeic acid and catechin were standardized at 4 mg/L each, with a final pH value of 3.6 for all solutions. The rate of browning was measured at 420 nm wavelenght (A420 nm). Additionally, the absorbance spectrum covers wavelengths from 200 to 800 nm.

Tipologia del documento
Kumar, YogeshDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences , University of Bologna , Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena , 47521 , Italy0000-0002-1841-8849
Ricci, AriannaDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences , University of Bologna , Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena , 47521 , Italy0000-0002-4810-9123
Wang, GuanghaoDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences , University of Bologna , Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena , 47521 , Italy0009-0007-7744-6747
Parpinello, Giuseppina PaolaDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences , University of Bologna , Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena , 47521 , Italy0000-0002-1439-8035
Versari, AndreaDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences , University of Bologna , Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena , 47521 , Italy0000-0003-2960-0619
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Kumar, Yogesh
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences , University of Bologna , Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena , 47521 , Italy
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Data di deposito
02 Dic 2024 10:38
Ultima modifica
02 Dic 2024 10:38
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